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Corpus committees

We are the SportCie! This year we are responsible for the sporting activities where all students are welcome. Think of winter sports, volleyball tournament, various clinics and much more. With this committee, we hope that everyone will come together through sports and have a good time with fellow students.

We are the FeesCie, we ensure that your parties are organised. From pub quiz to beer cantus, we arrange it for you! As FeesCie we want you to have a fantastic evening  to give! We at many fun parties and other events with you! 

We are the EduCie and are going to organize various activities this year. This way you as students can also learn in a different way than from the books! This includes guest lectures, workshops and more. We hope to see you all here and start a fantastic and educational year together!


Wij zijn studievereniging Corpus.
We zijn er voor alle studenten van Fontys Paramedisch.

De vereniging wordt bestuurd door studenten van Fontys Paramedisch.



Rachelsmolen 1

5612 MA Eindhoven


R13 - 0.45



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